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As businesses grow, they invariably face some very specific challenges. Understanding how best to address them, in what order, whilst also identifying the opportunities associated with these challenges is a critical part of unlocking your business’ true potential.
Growing Your Team with Employee Engagement Programmes
At Chalkhill Blue we work with clients to increase employee engagement by focusing on;
- Connecting staff to the business vision and values
- Measuring engagement regularly.
- Ensuring employee engagement is a permanent focus and part of the organisation’s DNA,
- Listening to the team.
- Taking action on quick wins.
Book A Call TODAY with one of our experts to discover how you too can achieve massive results in your business through a bespoke Employee Engagement programme
Learn How To Improve Employee Engagement
In a famous quote by Marcus Buckingham, he states “People don’t leave bad companies they leave bad managers”
Key areas impacted by low employee engagement include:
- employee motivation
- increased sickness and absenteeism
- increased staff turnover
- low client satisfaction scores and
- reduced productivity, which ultimately all
- impact on business results and profitability
Actively disengaged employees cause disruption and dissatisfaction within the company but even actively engaged employees can experience decreased morale if the overall team’s level of engagement falters so catching changes quickly is critical to stopping engagement issues from spreading.
What you’ll gain by developing and sustaining employee engagement:
✔ More highly motivated workers
✔ More effective leadership
✔ Lower absenteeism and staff turnover
✔ Higher customer scores / sales
✔ Higher productivity / profitability
Most importantly, engaged employees are happier, both at work and in their lives. When you’re engaged, it positively affects everything you do with purpose, energy, and enthusiasm, which is key for organisations looking to scale up and unlock their true potential.
Includes Our Employee Engagement Tool Kit
Learn how to develop the necessary clarity, focus and appropriate action plans to engage and motivate employees, and improve overall productivity.
We have partnered with www.engagementmultiplier.com to give clients access to bespoke insight as to how engaged their employees are and then work with those businesses to build an action plan to address the issues that are identified.
What Our Clients Say About Us
Having helped 1000s of businesses and leadership teams, we think they’re best placed to tell you about the impact we’ve had…
Our employee engagement programme will reduce staff turnover, improve productivity and efficiency, retain customers at a higher rate, and assist you in improving profitability.
At Chalkhill Blue, we work with clients to ensure employee engagement is not just an intellectual exercise, but is something that lives and breathes within the business every day.
Complete the form below to request a free, no-obligation call with our performance profiling experts to find out how you can achieve massive results in your business through our employee engagement programme.