The Financial challenges associated with running, growing and possibly even exiting a business within an ever-changing commercial landscape are without a doubt considerable.
For many businesses, experience tells us that the biggest challenge is often a lack of knowledge and a genuine lack of understanding regarding the importance of proper financial planning.
The absence of proper budgeting and forecasting continues to be one of the biggest barriers to growth.
The lack of proper cash flow forecasting and financial planning for business owners is a major challenge for many businesses, irrespective of what growth phase they are in. Without planning cash flow/working capital requirements properly many businesses simply fail to accelerate their growth rates and struggle to compete.
Recent studies have shown that 82% of businesses fail as a result of cash constraints and yet 73% of businesses don’t have an up to date cash flow forecast.
Learn How To Plan For A Profitable Future
Many businesses suffer from poor, if not a total lack, of financial planning – despite their desire and need to grow.
Consequently, those same businesses regularly fail to appreciate that alongside any great business plan, there’s also a great financial plan that maps out your business’ journey from a financial perspective. They fail to track their progress both from a revenue and overheads perspective to ensure that your business hits its profit targets month on month, year after year.
Many organisations are equally challenged by a lack of knowledge and time to develop a financial strategy that aligns with the organisation’s overall strategic plan.
This leads to:
✖️ Poor functional structure & systems
✖️ Failure to maximise business potential
✖️ Internal constraints holding the business back from increasing profits
✖️ Undermine plans to drive profit margins
✖️ Limits ability to maximise working capital
✖️ Limits ability to enhance overall enterprise value
What Will You Gain?
Our experienced team of growth experts specialise in helping you develop the appropriate strategy, structure, systems alongside the core skills and competencies within the team to unlock the true potential within your organisation.
Our startup financial plan and financial planning advisory services are undoubtedly the most EFFICIENT way to leverage financial acumen and information, and the FASTEST route to create a successful financial plan to fuel a profitable future.
Why Not Try Our Milestone Survey?
Understand what stage your business is currently at, and get a bespoke report that will help you take it to the next level!
As businesses grow, they invariably face some very specific challenges. Understanding how best to address them, in what order, whilst also identifying the opportunities associated with these challenges is a critical part of unlocking your business’ true potential.
What Our Clients Say About Us
Having helped 1000s of businesses and leadership teams, we think they’re best placed to tell you about the impact we’ve had…
By far the biggest financial challenge across businesses of all shapes and sizes, and at different growth phases, is a genuine lack of financial knowledge or acumen.
Book a no-obligation call to discover how you can leverage the knowledge and experience of our team of growth experts within your financial planning, to ensure a profitable future.