Business Leadership Training | Find Out More | Chalkhill Blue
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Leadership Development

As each and every business reaches new milestones the demands on leadership changes significantly

Studies show that 86% of CEO’s feel they don’t have the leadership skills to execute their strategy and 77% of organisations believe they have a genuine Leadership Gap in terms of talent.

The impact of this alarming leadership gap on organisational performance is invariably huge and hence it’s not surprising that 64% of employees believe that poor management impedes their productivity.

Consequently, it’s important to develop leaders by identifying areas of improvement in order to enable both the organisation and the individual to maximise their true potential.

Being a leader sounds impressive, but it is not as easy as it sounds.  At Chalkhill Blue, we believe there are 6 common challenges that leaders struggle with and if not addressed can have negative implications for both the performance of a business and the individuals working within them.

Select from our leadership coaching and consulting services below to learn how we can help you achieve massive results in your business.

Why Not Try Our Milestone Survey?

Understand what stage your business is currently at, and get a bespoke report that will help you take it to the next level!

As businesses grow, they invariably face some very specific challenges. Understanding how best to address them, in what order, whilst also identifying the opportunities associated with these challenges is a critical part of unlocking your business’ true potential.

Leadership Coaching Allows You To Develop The Knowledge, Skills & Attitude To Create Competency

Today’s organisations, regardless of industry sector, face enormous challenges:

  • Skilled talent is at a premium, while retaining top talent continues to be a losing game for most.
  • Organisations are struggling to understand the complexities of five-generation workforces and the nuances and expectations of each generation
  • Clients are more demanding than ever and less tolerant of organisations that don’t strive to consistently exceed their expectations
  • Competition is fierce and it is easier than ever for customers to find a product or service from somewhere else as a result of improved technology and the proliferation of digital media

It is therefore imperative for ambitious businesses to focus on building competency within their organisation in order to continue to thrive.

What Our Clients Say About Us

Having helped 1000s of businesses and leadership teams, we think they’re best placed to tell you about the impact we’ve had…

We now have a clear sense of direction in terms of where we’re going, why we’re going there and what we need to do in order to achieve our goals

MD, Construction Business

The real deal…. They bring very sharp intellect tempered with amazing practicality

Founder, Energy Consultancy

They are a real asset to my business

CEO, Digital Marketing Agency

We’ve managed to achieve so much more in a short period of time

MD, Care Home Group

We’re on target to achieve an 80% rise in turnover

MD, Landscaping Business

One of the best things I’ve done for my business is to work with Chalkhill Blue

MD, IT Recruitment

Working with Chalkhill Blue has empowered us as business owners to dare to think bigger and better, giving us the confidence to make big decisions

Director, Industrial Tapes Business

Their sensible and practical approach to what business owners see as the “big issues”, breaks down those barriers and really helps those businesses achieve their full potential

MD, Regional Accountancy Practice

Sharp business acumen, remarkable strategic agility and a genuine bias for action & getting things done

MD, HR Transformation Practice

They instinctively understand the business of business. They have an uncanny ability to get to the heart of a problem and grasp detail. I would not hesitate in recommending them.

Director, Transport Consultancy

Our business has been transformed from a family firm to a performance business, with turnover up by 100% and net profits quadrupling.

Director, E-Learning Business

Chalkhill Blue are sharp, entrepreneurial and strategic. I would not hesitate in recommending them

MD, International Media & Events Business

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